This book is a letter written a thousand years into the future… to atheists. In the future, the majority of atheists have accepted that there is a God of some type. The battle between science and religion is over. In the 31st century, it is now sensible to believe in God, but despite that, issues remain. Tomorrow’s atheist will have different and significant matters to wrestle with. This letter anticipates those battles, and uses the power and time of history yet to happen to make an argument.
There is something bigger and better at work in history. This letter to the future moves beyond doomsday scenarios to note some features of history little observed. There are the obvious cultural and societal trends working to change humanity, but these fit in the temporary box and have short term effects. Yet there is a monumental process, bigger than those commonly considered. There is a slow and almost imperceptible change, moving like a glacier, but surely moving. This book is a flag planted on that big and slow glacier, so that readers in the future can measure the change and see what is happening around them.
The books needs to be read in a thousand years to be truly appreciated.
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